Thursday, September 19, 2019

Message for Julie

A note from the ag agent, Julie Zimmerman:

When my predecessor, Michael Haynes, called me to tell me he was headed to a new county and felt like I would be a good match in Caldwell County, I had no idea how much I would fall in love with the people.  I showed up early in March that year, my first day on the job here was the county livestock show, talk about baptism with fire.  There were a few moments of panic and many friendly welcomes.  Ronda Lehman, our office manager walked around the livestock show with me and introduced me to “all the key folks”.  In the next few days I was told a different former agent here, that I needed to make my way to visit with Mike and Bonnie at the Luling Foundation.  I was treated to a tour and some deep conversation about the future of agriculture.  In Michael’s notes for me, he said “you need to make sure and go visit early on with Gary Dickenson, he’s the president of several committees, he’s basically ‘the man’ and your go-to guy”.  After those meetings, a great visit with several members of the Buckner family, commissioner’s court and a few farmers, ranchers and all my 4-H families, I knew I had found a little piece of heaven.

Here I sit three and a half years later, packing boxes, pictures, and memories made to head out to my next adventure and place in life.  I’m leaving extension to be closer to family, getting married, and moving back toward Burnet County, where I was raised.  I’m leaving a part of my heart here and taking with me many new friendships, memories, and reasons to come back to Caldwell County to visit.  Many a precious hour has been spent with my wonderful co-workers and people of this county discussing agriculture, youth, and community development.  You should be comforted by the fact that Elsie Lacy and Wayne Morse have the same passion and love for the people of this county that I do.  And with Ronda Lehman running the office end of things, there will always be someone at the other end of the phone to help.  My last day in the office will be September 26th, but know I will be coming back to visit the fine folks of Caldwell County, as I have enjoyed serving you more than you’ll ever know.  And to answer the question I’ve been getting, no, there is no party, as there is truly no goodbye.  I will be seeing you all soon.  If you need to find me, Ronda knows where I can be reached.  Thank you for letting me be your ag agent.

-All my love,

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